
Sensor Electronics Corporation

Savage,  MN 
United States
  • Booth: 5247

Welcome to Sensor Electronics you gas detection specialists!


Sensor Electronics Corporation Gas Detectors & Analyzers FEATURING: "New" Innovative Sample Draw Gas Detector on display.  “New” IREvolution Infrared Gas detector for PFC Gases: DiFluoromethane (CH2F2), Fluoromethane (CH3F), Hexafluoro Butadiene (C4F6).  “Ventless” Process Gas Analyzers for CO2, HC, H2O. “Gas Free” SEC 3000 Gas Detectors Calibration. “Wireless” SEC 3500 HMI Ethernet connectivity communication. “Memory Stick” SEC 3100 Transmitter with data logging. Many more innovative features, visit our booth 5247 to see more.

  Press Releases

  • Gas detectors to protect clean rooms, laboratories and similar areas where toxic/explosive gases are a constant hazard have been developed by Minneapolis-based Sensor Electronics.

         Such nasty gases include hydrogen chloride, tungsten hexafluoride, ammonia hydrides, fluorines (as difluoromethane), xylenes and similar life-threatening gases.

         “Tunnel vision” means the detector “sees” only one specific gas – as, say, WF6 – and cannot be confused by other gases that could cause false readings, false signals, false alarms, needless shutdowns and evacuations.

         Stainless-steel construction means these new detectors shrug off corrosion, contamination, condensation, dust, dirt, aerosols, temperature/humidity extremes.

         Factory-tuned for specific gases, detectors can turn on alarms to warn personnel.  If gas concentrations increase the detectors can turn on fans to flood the area with outside air.

       More information about these gas detectors that protect cleans rooms and laboratories please contact:  Sensor Electronics, 12730 Creek View Avenue, Savage, Minnesota 55378; www.sensorelectronics.com or [email protected].

  • A sophisticated new gas detector that warns of dangerous concentrations of C4F6 (hexafluorobutadiene) – a toxic/explosive gas widely used in semiconductor production – has been developed by Sensor Electronics/USA.

              Exquisitely engineered, the compact detector sieves out all the other gases, seeing only C4F6 (Sifren).  And extreme sensitivity means it pinpoints even trace amounts – down to 10 ppm  - of the hazardous gas.

              Advanced electronics coupled with rugged construction means the detector works for years – even decades – with minimum – if any – downtime.

              The detector ignores temperature/humidity variations, shrugs off shock, vibration.  A detector can operate as a stand-alone unit, or be fitted into an existing security network.

    More information:


    Sensor Electronics  •  800.285.3651  •  www.sensorelectronics.com

  • A sophisticated new gas detector called the Millenium HAWK that can spot even minute traces of more than 100 hydrocarbon gases has been introduced by Sensor Electronics of Minneapolis.

         Carrying full CSA performance-tested approval, this new detector is particularly well-suited for off-shore platforms, pumping stations, pipelines, refineries, fuel dumps, petrochemical plants, waste-water treatment facilities – or wherever a gas leak could mean explosion or death.

         Calibration is a breeze.  The new detector simply sniffs a sample of the suspect gas – methane, say – then automatically locks itself onto methane’s particular infrared “signature.”  Then any methane concentration over a preset threshold triggers an immediate alarm.

         Simply showing the detector a different gas – as propane – will register its IR “signature.”  Such a changeover for any hydrocarbon gas can be done in seconds.

         In operation, the detector continually monitors the ambient atmosphere.  Any trace of a suspect gas is immediately sensed by twin tuned IR sensors.  Built-in circuitry automatically compensates for aging components and changing environments.

         This new sensor uses simple optics (no mirrors or beam splitters) so it shrugs off rain and snow, fog and smog making it ideal for use under adverse weather conditions.  Nor is it affected by temperature extremes, high hydrocarbon vapor levels or low oxygen atmospheres.

         Besides conventional hydrocarbon vapors – gasoline, methane, butane, ethanol, kerosene, jet fuel – the sensor can spot such diesel, propane etc.

         Output is 4-20 mA, to drive computers, plotters, printers, recorders and the like.

         Additional information about this new industry-tested hydrocarbon detector is available from Sensor Electronics, 12730 Creek View Avenue, Savage, Minnesota 55378 www.sensorelectronics.com or [email protected]


  • SEC IREvolution Hydrocarbon Gas Detector
    SEC IREvolution™ is a complete self contained optical hydrocarbon gas detector. The sensing and reference elements are self-compensating for optical integrity and other signal inhibitors....

  • The SEC IREvolution™ hydrocarbon detectors are designed to be used as an upgrade in the same
    applications where catalytic bead sensors have been applied.
    - Refineries, process applications

    - Gas turbines
    - Drilling and production platforms

    - Chemical plants
    - Fuel loading facilities

    - Compressor stations
    - Oil well logging

    - Wastewater treatment facilities
    - LNG/LPG processing and storage facilities

    - Transportation facilities

    - Semiconductor

  • SEC Millenium Hawk Gas Detector
    SEC Millenium Hawk is a complete self contained optical hydrocarbon gas detector. The sensing and reference elements are self-compensating for optical integrity and other signal inhibitors...

  • • Reliable infrared sensing technology
    • Virtually maintenance free
    • Low cost of ownership, greater than 10 year life expectancy
    • Immune to poisoning and etching
    • Designed for harsh environments
    • Explosion proof
    • Rugged stainless steel construction
    • Fast response time
    • Smart calibration
    • Patented self-compensating optics
    • No moving parts
    • Heated optical chamber
    • Low power consumption
    • Operates in constant hydrocarbon background
    • Operates in anaerobic atmospheres
    • Fault indications for all failure states
    • Routine calibrations are not required
    • 4 to 20 mA output
    • 0 to 100% LEL detection range
    • Can be coupled with SEC 3100/3120 transmitter for network applications
    • RS-485 communication link available
    • Digital Display option available
  • SEC Sample Draw System
    The SEC Sample Draw provides the ability to pull a gas sample from a remote area, confined space, chamber and measure it remotely up to 200’ distance...

  • ● Modular design of sensor allowing for easy replacement and change of sensor board or sensor module
    ● Two independent 4-20 mA outputs to monitor both the sensor and the pump
    ● Two independent data wires to be used for calibration and communication between SEC transmitters
    ● Can be used with the SEC 3120 Transmitters
    ○ The 3120 Transmitter will monitor the pump and the sensor simultaneously
    ○ The unit can be mounted separately from the SEC 3120 Transmitter
    ○ Easy flow calibration can be done by transmitter, no use of flow meter required
    ○ Flow rate set by ‘Cal Value’ on transmitter, pump will automatically adjust to meet flow rate

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