
Semight Instruments

苏州市,  Jiangsu Province 
  • 小間番号7221

Semight Instruments is a leading provider of global high-end test instrument and equipment. The company provides products and service to the development, fabrication and service of high-speed communication, optical chip and semiconductor testing fields. Semight’s flagship testing instrument includes high-speed bit error ratio tester, network analyzer, broadband sampling oscilloscope, high-precision wavelength meter, optical spectrum analyzer, and digital Source Measure Unit. In addition, the company delivers optoelectronic hybrid ATE, laser chip burn-in system, laser chip tester, silicon photonics wafer tester, power chip tester, wafer level burn-in system to domestic and international customers.
Semight Instruments adheres to the customer-centric, employee-based, innovation-driven, and subtle and broad corporate culture, and continues to provide customer trusted, cost-effective and high-performance products and service.
Visit www.semight.com for more information.