

Gwangju-si,  Gyeonggi-do 
Korea (South)
  • 小間番号1635

A powerful leap of SEMICS to No. 1 in the world

The culture of SEMICS encourages all challenges, regardless of the result.
“SEMICS offers deep trust and high profit to all clients and business partners with the best products made with innovative technologies and challenging results.”

SEMICS has significantly contributed to resolving technical and operational problems in the EDS environment. We believe that our most important task is to be smart to resolve our clients’ biggest concerns.

SEMICS has always brought ‘trust’ to our partners. Offering “trust” is our sacred duty, for which we endeavor to be smarter and friendlier to build stronger solidarity than what SEMICS has accomplished so far.

SEMICS will never be satisfied with present accomplishments in continual pursuit of more contributions to making a better world. SEMICS will remain as the smartest partner who provides the best prober solution in the world.


    OPERA is only a group prober which is composed of real probers side by side and in a row. With this the greatest innovation, our customer will satisfy with greatest performance never expected before....

  • OPERA’s probing performance is exactly the same as opus mini & genie composed of real probers

    Each cell has 800kgf Probing force

    The most compact card changer module ever

    Extremely simple, fast and safe probe card handling structure

    Crazy sliding extension for maintenance of tester and prober

    Extremely easy maintenance & accessibility

    Anti-vibration mechanism

    The fastest and robust wafer handling loader

    Smart wafer pre-aligner and wafer buffer system

    Very simple pogo tower structure for PIB and probe card