
Langer EMV-Technik

Bannewitz,  Saxony 
  • 小間番号7515

We are your Partner for developmental EMC tools + consulting

Langer EMV-Technik is in the forefront of research, development, and production in the field of EMC. Through EMC experimental seminars and EMC workshops we offer our comprehensive knowledge to our customers.

Our interference emission and interference immunity EMC measurement technology as well as the IC test system are used mainly in the development stage and are in worldwide demand.

Developers and designers gain new perspectives and more efficient working strategies for module- and IC developments with the EMC know how and measurement technology of Langer EMV-Technik GmbH.

The individual pre-compliance consulting services provided by Langer EMV-Technik GmbH help developers and designers quickly find solutions to complex EMC problems in IC, device, and module development.


  • (20241023)
  • (20241029)
  • (20241030)


  • IC Test System
    The IC test system is designed for the measurement of EMC behavior of circuits (ICs) at specific radiated or conducted disturbance influences and for transmission measurements. The IC is tested in operation. Use different probes for testing....

  • Apart from the layout and housing design, the characteristics of the ICs used play a key role for the EMC characteristics of devices. Reducing the size of the structure, operating voltages and operating points makes the ICs much more sensitive. If one approaches or even surpasses the 100 nm limit, the immunity compared to earlier ICs is reduced, a trend that is reflected in the device behaviour.

    It is important that users of ICs are able to compare various types of IC on the basis of their EMC parameters. This enables the choice of the best IC, and means that the layout design and the device can be aligned to the IC's EMC parameters.

    For manufacturers of ICs, good EMC characteristics for their products mean advantages over their competitors. The objective is thus to determine those parameters which are decisive for EMC immunity and emissions and allow engineers to draw conclusions for chip design.

    It is nowadays common to quote a value of one to several kV in specifications as the ESD strength of electronic components (ICs, transistors) with reference to the human body model. With the human body model (HBM), a capacitor (100 pF) is charged with a test voltage and discharged on the device under test via 1500 ohm. The HBM is described in the standards MIL-STD-883G and in IEC 801-2. The machine model (MM) is a further test model that works according to the same principle.

    Both models are only used to validate the immunity to destruction of the IC when handling the component during its production, packaging, transport and assembly. During MM or HBM tests, the test object is never connected to a voltage, i.e. it is not in operation.

    …The IC test system can be used to analyse the behaviour of ICs under the selective influence of (conducted and radiated) disturbances and/or respective emissions. The insights gained from this analysis help semiconductor manufacturers optimise ICs and IC users overcome weak points in their electronic modules.

  • Double Pulse Magnetic Field Source set
    The set ICI-DP is designed to inject electromagnetic pulses with high temporal and spatial resolution into safety critical circuits (EMFI). Via the sync inputs of the probe or the BPS 204, the pulses can be synchronized to an external function sequence....

  • The double pulse magnetic field source ICI-DP is a probe with which fast transient magnetic field pulses can be injected into DUTs e.g. ICs. It is designed for EM fault injection (EMFI) in IC safety applications. With this probe, single pulse as well as a double pulse sequence with a pulse following time of minimum 25 ns can be injected into integrated circuits with precise timing and location.

    Via the "sync" inputs, single pulses or double pulses can be injected into the functional sequence of the DUT in a synchronized manner. The probe is powered and controlled via the Burst Power Station BPS 204.

  • ICR HH100-27 set
    The near-field microprobe is designed for a high-resolution measurement of magnetic near fields. With the ICR H probe the following measurements can be performed: - Surface Scan via IC according to IEC 61967-3 - Volumenscan via IC - Pin Scan...

  • The measuring coil at the ICR HH probe head is horizontally aligned to the measurement surface.

    A preamplifier is integrated in the probe housing and is supplied by the enclosed bias tee.
    The ICR near-field probes undergo a quality check before they are delivered. Different reference setup measurements are performed and resulting correction lines are generated.

    Two different correction lines are determined - a standardized correction line and an H-field correction line.

  • ICS 105 set IC Scanner
    The IC scanner ICS 105 is a 4-axis positioning system for moving probes in three linear axes and for rotating over an IC on a DUT. The scanner is suitable for ICI injection probes, ICR probes and all other near-field probes from Langer EMV-Technik....

  • The IC scanner brings the measuring probes in position providing a high mechanical resolution and high repeatability. For measuring an electromagnetic field with high resolution the accuracy should be at least 20 µm and the repeatability smaller than 5 µm. At least four axes are necessary to completely detect EMC emissions from ICs. Three axes are required for the movement in X-, Y- and Z-direction and a fourth is to rotate the measuring probe - necessary for vertical H-field probe.

    Optionally the ICS 105 scanner can be used for measurements above small assemblies in combination with UH-DUT universal holder and SH 01 probe holder.

    The IC scanner can be set up for ESD or EFT immunity tests on ICs in a few simple steps.

  • TroubleStar Development System for ESD / Burst set
    The TS 23 set is a new system of EMC tools for pre-compliance immunity tests. It can be used for troubleshooting and weak point analysis of electronics at all system levels....

  • A possible application scenario for the set is for electronics that have not passed an EMC immunity test and need to be modified. Another area of application is to use the set for pre-compliance tests in an early stage of development in order to find weak points and reduce the risk of failing EMC tests. The tests whose failure patterns can be reproduced are immunity tests against fast transient/burst (IEC 61000-4-4) and immunity tests against electrostatic discharge (ESD) (IEC 61000-4-2). The use of the set enables developers to determine both the type of interference (by magnetic field or electric field) and the exact location of the interference on the DUT. Changes in the design of the DUT can be directly checked for effectiveness with the TS 23 set. The test setup with the TS 23 set is small and fits on the workplace of the developer.