

GRENOBLE Cedex 09, 
  • 小間番号7201

High-Quality Continuous transparent Graphene Films

Grapheal develops and manufactures electronic-grade monolayer graphene on flexible substrates & films, enabling next-generation sustainable and cost-effective semiconducting films for IOT sensing and optoelectronics applications.

Its proprietary material enable low cost, low impact edge sensing platform that can be processed by flexible & printed electronics.


  • Polygraph
    Polygraph is a polymer film covered by an exact monolayer of electronic grade graphene for sensing and optoelectronics applications (transparent electrodes)....

  • Polygraph is a polymer film covered by an exact monolayer of electronic grade graphene for sensing and optoelectronics applications (transparent electrodes).

    It features high conductivity, good mobility and high transparency. high-quality graphene-on-polymer films produced by a proprietary  Roll-to-Roll deposition method based on a series of Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) The films are based on exposed carbon monolayer, continuous graphene and features : 

    •Semiconducting behavior with high electronic mobility(typically above 1000 cm2/V/s)

    •Low Resistivity down to 10 Ohms/square 

    •Ultra-low gas diffusivity  

    •Homogeneous optical transparency & ultra-low haze

    •Certified Biocompatible (ISO 10993 ) 

    •Compatible with conductive inks for contacts and printed electronics 

    Large choice of polymer support  (PET, TPU, Silicones) and thicknesses

    Suitable for:

    -Transparent electrodes & heaters 

    -EMI Shielding 

    -Smart screens & windows 

    -Liquid and Gas phase sensors (Field Effect Transistor technology )

    -Organic Electronics Electrode (o-PV, oLED ) 

    -Heating films 

    -Microfluidics sensors 

    -Liquid-gated transparent biosensors