Precitec Laser Technology (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd

Shanghai,  Shanghai 
  • Booth: 1619

Measure more precisely with light.


Precitec was founded in Germany in 1971. Precitec Optronik GmbH, as a German manufacturer of highly innovative sensors and optical probes, has branches and representative offices in 22 countries and regions. Its CHRocodile® product line sets the standard in contact-free thickness and distance measurements by delivering in-process, inline and offline measurements ultra-fast and with the highest precision on all materials and measurement ranges from micro- to centimeters. The CHRocodile® product line is made up of chromatic and interferometric point, line and multipoint sensors, an area scan sensor and a chromatic line-scan camera. Precitec’s 3D metrology is suitable for applications in consumable electronics, semi-conductor, glass, automotive and medical industries.

  Press Releases

  • 随着封装层数的增加,对深藏在不同层中的线键进行检测变得越来越困难,有时甚至是不可能的。


    但键合线也存在一系列问题,而且这些问题正变得越来越突出。与加装芯片相比,它们缺乏足够的 I/O 接口,无法满足日益增长的异构设备的需要,而且显得脆弱和过于复杂。这还只是开始。此外,焊球可能会变形,即所谓的 "高尔夫球 "缺陷。导线可能会 "凹陷",这意味着它们不符合正常的形状,或者它们甚至可能无法到达预定的焊盘。最糟糕的是,缺陷可能隐藏在数百根重叠导线的复杂交织中,造成电路开路或故障而不被发现。

    "Promex Industries 的高级工艺工程师 Jeff Schaefer 说:"一旦上面有了若干层,就几乎不可能再返工了。"我们见过基板上有六个环,芯片上有两个环的情况。芯片上的外环通常与基板上的前三个环相连,然后模具上的内环与基板上的外环相连,所有这些东西都会相互叠加。"


    "西门子 EDA 集成电路封装和射频产品线总监 Per Viklund 说:"从这项技术开始的那天起,他们就一直在做同样的测试。西门子 EDA 集成电路封装和射频产品线总监 Per Viklund 说:"这是一种破坏性测试,他们进行测试设计,试图将导线拉断,并测量导线抓取的牢固程度。虽然他们仍在这样做,但有趣的问题是,'我们能否对打算运给客户的东西进行检查,并验证它是否没问题?

    诺信半导体产品线经理克里斯-戴维斯(Chris Davis)说,事实上,破坏性方法正受到更小、更复杂配置的挑战。"测试可能比把导线放下来还要难。要对导线进行机械测试,需要一种工具或装置来适应导线的间距。粘合过程的方式会发生变化,因此在这种形式下几乎无法对粘合剂进行测试"。


    在许多情况下,现在的复杂性远远超出了人眼在任何速度下所能掌握的范围。在某些情况下,可能会有十几层或更多层的线键。布鲁克公司应用和产品管理总监弗兰克-陈(Frank Chen)说,存储器就是一个具有挑战性的例子。"NAND/DRAM 的每一层都需要键合线,这就导致许多线相互飞越。以前,当只有单层导线键合时,很容易看出短路。而现在,多条导线重叠在一起,就很难确定导线是短路了还是连接到了不同的层上。"


    Viklund 说:"在功能测试中,他们通过导线接合进行测试,显然会发现是否存在开路连接或短路。"他们正在研究导线扫描等问题。许多接线设计都覆盖有环氧树脂。当环氧树脂流入时,有可能会将导线拖入其中,然后导线就会侧向弯曲,以至于彼此靠得太近或相碰。

    解决这些问题的方法可以超越光学显微镜,而采用 X 射线显微镜。"光学检测的一个麻烦是在三维分析过程中处理金属丝的反射,"陈说。"X 射线显微镜可以避免这个问题,只需几个角度就能确定独特的导线路径,从而保持高产能"。

    Viklund 说,虽然有些芯片的组装方式让所有导线都清晰可见,但有些芯片却非常复杂,即使是二维 X 射线也不够用。"如果有八层线环叠加在一起,而你又不做三维 X 光,就很难分辨出在同一平面上重叠的地方。标准的二维 X 射线只是设计的二维投影,你无法真正分辨图片的深度是否存在冲突"。

    X 射线检测可以超出人类操作员所能捕捉到的范围,这就导致了 X 射线检测的自动化。"诺信公司自动化 X 射线检测系统产品线经理 Margareta Popovics 说:"当模具通过导线相互连接在一起时,用人工 X 射线进行检测是非常具有挑战性的,尤其是典型的缺陷,如扫边或锯齿。

    对于 X 射线来说,不同的材料和厚度也是一个挑战,这通常取决于不同的行业。"Popovics 说:"在汽车领域,大多数控制器仍然使用金线粘合。"虽然这种检测的挑战性较小,但复杂程度却在不断提高。因此,它们不是因为材料而成为问题,而是因为样品的复杂性而成为问题。很多时候,我们必须将 2D 和 2.5D 检测方法结合起来,以应对线材检测过程中可能发生的所有情况。我们还必须检查晶粒偏移或润湿性差等类似问题。

    相比之下,消费电子产品一般都是铜键,这给 X 射线检测带来了自身的问题。"它是一种可见度较低、对比度较低的材料,因此很难获得这些导线的尺寸。它可以达到 0.6 密耳,也就是直径约 20 微米,"Popovics 说。"因此,与金线相比,它需要高分辨率、低功耗和稍长的检测时间。但复杂性又来了。我认为,我们必须检测的最具挑战性的产品通常是消费类电子产品中复杂度较高的铜线产品。

    Davis 说,随着尺寸越来越小,X  射线计量也会遇到物理限制。"就分辨率而言,我们受到用于检测产品的光子波长的限制。因此,虽然 X 射线很好,但它确实存在效率限制,因为我们需要能够让 X 射线穿过产品,并将其转化为我们可以在另一侧进行测量的东西,"诺信公司的 Davis 说。"我们正在努力提高量子效率,以更低的能量探测这些 X 射线,并从 X 射线源探测器中获得更多的输出,这样我们就能以更高的分辨率进行适当的检测。

    随着 X 射线的自动化,人工智能可以帮助提高准确性。可以编写一种人工智能算法,根据标准形状进行验证,或从不完美的形状中学习如何标记。波波维奇说,使用人工智能程序的自动化系统甚至可以检测出 2.5D 叠层中的大部分缺陷。

    不过,Viklund 和 Chen 都警告说,人工智能也有风险和挫折。

    Viklund 说:"你要依靠测试设备的算法来正确检测。"但你不希望出现任何误报。如果你把一个非常好的设计从传送带上拉下来,却不发货,这就是成本。

    据 Chen 称,有一家公司创建了一种算法,有助于实现检测自动化。但最终,这成了一场无望的追赶游戏。"只要稍微复杂一点,算法就会崩溃,他们不得不花费更多精力重新开发。这可能会变得永无止境。你解决了问题,然后部件变得更复杂,它又坏了"。

    Precitec 公司半导体业务开发经理 Oliver Schulz 表示,共聚焦显微镜形式的光学检测技术也在不断进步,在这个新世界中已具备一定的竞争力。"一开始,廉价的解决方案只是照相机,但照相机有一个问题。它只是二维的。你没有图像深度。你需要有一个深度测量范围"。

    他所在的公司 - Precitec 发明了一种高速共焦线传感器,可以集成到焊线机本身,也可以在焊线后作为独立系统使用。"共焦显微镜已经存在了几十年,"Schulz 说,"因为焊线有多个点,你需要获得三维图像,所以一个共焦传感器是不够的。如果只有一个点,就必须将传感器沿着整条线移动。因此,您需要分别测量每根导线,这将花费太多时间,而且传感器的速度也会太慢。如果你有多个点,你只需将样本移动到线的下方,这样它就真的像一个扫描仪了"。

    最终,线键检测方法的选择取决于使用案例和成本。"舒尔茨说:"这取决于设备的最终价格。"这里有一个简单的例子。笔记本电脑上的 DVD 播放器内部可能有一个激光器,有一到两条键合线连接电源,激光器的成本可能只有一美元左右。购买先进的光学系统来检测它,永远不会有投资回报。这太昂贵了,尤其是使用机器学习软件。

    他说,相比之下,如果你的最终产品是海底电缆,那么一个激光二极管的成本可能是 5000 美元。"你需要更高的产量。因为是在海底,所以更换成本要高得多。这些人更愿意投资测量系统,"舒尔茨说。"每种工艺都是一样的。研发人员对如何测量和可能需要的东西有很多很酷的想法。但到最后,还是会有人计算提高产量的成本,然后回来问:“有没有投资回报?”


  • Flying Spot Scanner 310
    The Flying Spot Scanner (FSS) 310 uniquely combines OCT with wide field-of-view scanning, and solves the problem that ultra-precise measuring systems are normally very slow and extremely expensive....

    • High-speed, non-contact ROI inspection
      With a huge scan area of 310 mm, the FSS 310 checks a 12-inch wafer for TTV, bow, warp and voids in standard applications in less than 10 seconds, which enables a throughput of over 300 wafers per hour (including handling time). Thanks to the in-built scanning system, long paths of linear axes are replaced by short rotary movements, which significantly reduces measuring times and does away with the need for a precision axis.
    • Ease of use
      The FSS 310 and the optical sensor CHRocodile 2 IT form a standalone package that is easily integratable in in- and offline systems. Only a single connection to the CHRocodile 2 IT controller is needed to carry out a customized scan procedure with the FSS 310. Multiple software interfaces and tools enable you to easily set up your application. The list of defined measurement tasks is then stored on the optical sensor, which also controls the probe before a software visualizes the results.
    • Great flexibility in inline inspection
      The FSS 310 allows measurements from just one side of a wafer as it penetrates all important semiconductor materials – apart from metal – and even measures objects behind or on the rear side of a wafer. Through ultra-fast ROI inspection with no additional axis or precision hardware needed, it can be easily integrated into automated or inline applications with no interruption of production thanks to the ultra-short cycle times.
    • Broad applicability
      In combination with devices from the CHR 2 IT family, the fully variable scan trajectories programmable by the user enable thickness and distance measurement of Si, doped Si, GaAs and SiC wafers. The FSS not only measures bow, warp and TTV but also detects voids on wafers, performs thickness measurements of semiconductor component coatings (e.g. partial foliation of wafers) as well as measuring the bow of individual dies on wafers prior to further processing.
  • Enovasense Field Sensor HR
    This sensor's laser thermography visualization technology enables you to spot any cracks, defects, delaminations, pores, bad adhesion, lack of fusion or any other abnormalities under the surface of any material....

    • Cost-efficient area analysis: Measures an entire surface in a single shot and detects abnormalities under the surface of any opaque material through non-contact, non-destructive photothermal technology
    • High-speed measurements: Captures over 110,000 measurement points in just 1 second
    • Convenient versatility: Precise measurements on a wide range of part shapes, curvatures and surface structures with a high temperature tolerance (hot or cold)
    • User-friendly design: Maintenance-free, insensitive to vibrations, compact and lightweight – ideally suited for easy integration into a wide range of industrial applications
    • Specialist applications: Mapping the thickness of an FKM sealing coating on stainless steel; detecting the presence of components inside a part by seeing through the epoxy insulation; measuring the thickness of an enamel marking on glass, etc.
  • Line sensor CHRocodile CLS 2Pro
    Unique line length-NA combination for high-speed inspection...

    • Economically attractive investment:
      This versatile high-performance workhorse is designed to be fitted with a wide range of easily exchangeable probes.
    • Much faster measurement cycles:
      The high operational speeds result in more efficient inline inspection and quality controls as well as higher throughputs.
    • Greater flexibility:
      The longer line length and high acceptance angle eliminate the need for time-consuming positioning and set-ups, as several samples or shapes can be measured in a single set-up without losing the signal.
    • Wide range of applications:
      The high lateral resolution allows all kinds of quality control applications – everything from spotting the tiniest defects and scratches to measuring step height and macroscopic dimensions thanks to the long line length.
    • No shadowing:
      With this line scanner’s coaxial technology, incoming light and detected light follow the same path so there is no angle between the incoming and detecting beam. This enables measurement of various geometries where shadowing would be an issue with a triangular set-up.